You’re Invited to “Paint The Town”
Be a part of “Paint The Town” – Wellesley Charity Art Auction to benefit Friends of Wellesley Veterans, Inc., presented by Wellesley Society of Artists and Page Waterman Gallery.
Be a part of “Paint The Town” – Wellesley Charity Art Auction to benefit Friends of Wellesley Veterans, Inc., presented by Wellesley Society of Artists and Page Waterman Gallery.
Wellesley Square and Linden Square merchants are raising awareness for breast cancer while also raising money for Ellie Fund; October 18 – 24.
This and every Thursday through the summer these merchants are offering specials just for you.
Join us Sunday, December 1 for all the holiday festivities, with an all new and exciting Scavenger Hunt.
Windswept: Impressions of the Cape & Islands by Peggy Ellis; Exhibition continues through this Saturday, Sept. 28
Each of these members in Wellesley Square are holding an exciting enter to win. Visit one. Visit all. Only this Saturday, 7/27.