“Summer In The Square” is included.

Event Features
- Thursday, June 20
- Special Hours + Live Music:
- Be open 6 – 8 p.m. (minimum until 7 p.m.)
- Create your own in-store event or special offer
- You’ll be promoted with our website, emails, social posts, The Swellesley Report and the Town
We need a minimum of 15 participating members for this to be successful.
Current and new restaurants are bringing more people to the Square.
The Next Member Event Coming Up
- July Jubilation Sidewalk Sale, July 20
Your Membership is Worth $3,000+ in Benefits
The $500 annual fee funds the Wellesley Square marketing programs and promotion of your business.
✓ Listing on the Wellesley Square page at TheSwellesleyReport.com
✓ Profile page on ShopWellesleySquare.com
Includes a link to your website and location (Google map)
✓ Easily post your news to reach Wellesley’s shoppers
It will appear on ShopWellesleySquare.com and WonderfulWellesley.com
✓ Swellesley Report Ad Share Program
✓ Marketing graphics and templates you can use
✓ Discounts on marketing services
✓ Executive sponsorship options available
✓ NEW: quarterly networking events just began
Sign-Up By June 3
If you’re joining or renewing, an invoice will be emailed to you.
Let's Connect!