"In seed time learn,
in harvest teach,
in winter enjoy."
– William Blake
Photo: Beth Shedd
Two Free Kids Shows Featuring
Big Joe the Storyteller
Saturday, June 3
11 a.m. – Linden Square Courtyard
1 p.m. – Central Street by iCode Wellesley Square
Enjoy live music this Saturday, July 17
10 a.m: DJ
11 a.m.: Mike Kim, solo acoustic
12 p.m.: Off Label lite (acoustic)
1:30 p.m.: Take Two (Christine Lucas & P. Hayden)
3 p.m.: Shira Doron and Patrick Hayden with Brad Neighbors
Music in Central Park features Mark Stepakoff & John Robertson, 12 to 2 p.m.
Thanks to Wellesley Rocks and The Rotary Club of Wellesley.
July 17 is our July Jubilation Lite event
Live music, a DJ, merchant displays and their specials are the features of this July Jubilation Lite. This Saturday we’ll focus more than ever on your community merchants. The usual entertainment we have, such as the bounce houses and the petting zoo, will return next year.
Event hours: 10 a.m to 4 p.m.
Saturday, July 24 is the rain date.